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Saturday, 25 January 2014

Happy Republic Day !

Republic Day is celebrated in India on January 26 every year. This day is one of the most important national events in the Indian calendar as years back on January 26, 1950 the Constitution of India came into being.
This is a proud day for every Indian as Republic Day marks the establishment of a Sovereign Democratic Republic India. On this day people unite irrespective of their economical, social and religious backgrounds to commemorate the day they became a republic nation.
All over the country celebrations of Republic Day take place, especially in the capital at Rajghat, where the common man gathers to see the march past by the armed forces and the various cultural events organized on this day. The highlight is the jet planes of the Indian Air Force that fly in the air leaving streaks of the Indian Tri colour.
Quick Facts» The Constitution of India had replaced the Government of India Act 1935.
» Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the 1st President of the Indian Republic.
» With 395 Articles and eight Schedules, the Indian Constitution is the largest written constitution in the world.

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